Tuesday, April 8, 2014

[Secret Film] Confessions of Sexually-Perverted Slaves / 変態性奴の告白 – 異常性欲の夜

There's no review this time, since I haven't watched it yet. Took me decades to obtain though, it was a pain in the ass ;__ ;

The files are split with HJ Split! 
Sorry, there are a number of files, the movies' size is nearly 2GB. I will try and upload the whole movie to mega if needed.

Download parts@4shared: 


Sunday, April 6, 2014

[TOTAL MEDIA AGENCY - TMA] The Real Face of a Lofty Doctor / 高嶺のドクターの知られざる素顔

Hello again everyone!

It seems like I'm unable to keep my promises of uploading movies regularly. I'm very sorry about that... Although I do keep on watching GVs ever since, I became quite busy since I moved away from home. I won't make promises of providing progressive uploads anymore, I won't abandon nor delete this blog though. I will try and share movies whenever I feel like it! Be it one week, two months, or even a year...

The other thing I'd like to apologise for is this times movie. It's not a "regular" JGV.  The movie is based on a BL manga by the same title "高嶺のドクターの知られざる素顔".
So don't expect hardcore sex scenes. It's mostly  aimed at female audience, given the fact that it has a decent and romantic storyline. All-in-all, it's a very cute piece. (One of my favorites.) It resembles a (low budget) BL movie, but it's really enjoyable. It does contain sex scenes, - pretty long ones to be honest - but they hardly show anything. The foreplay takes for ever, and the sex scenes are long in itself. Also, Kawasumi Naoki plays the role of the uke, who is a cutie from KO! (He plays in "actual" gay porn as well.)
If you enjoy romantic stories and you're okay with slightly censored H-scenes, I recommend you watch it!

This time the files do not need to be joined! I did upload it in two parts though. Both are complete mp4 files. Enjoy~


//The files are originally downloaded from mustbeyaoi! However, their blog has been deleted a few months ago, so I found it allright to re-share it on my own page.//